St Albans Cathedral


Kelley Christ, of A&RME, is currently appointed Cathedral Architect for St Albans Cathedral. The responsibilities of this role include inspections of 5 year intervals, design & specification of any conservation led repair work, and any necessary alterations. Kelley is also consulted over any activities which may impact on the Cathedral and its environs.

Since March 2018, Kelley Christ has focussed on the restoration and conservation project of the Shrine of St Amphibalus which is now near completion.

The Dean & Chapter of St Albans Cathedral, St Albans

Contract Period: 
from October 2017 – current

Listed Status:
Grade I



In Progress:

  • Restoration and Conservation of the Shrine of St Amphibalus:

    At the Reformation both the martyrs’ shrines – of Alban and of Amphibalus – were smashed and the relics smuggled away or scattered. In the 1870s however, when the former Abbey was being converted into a Cathedral, the stones of both were rediscovered, and the two shrines were very roughly reassembled, using brick to supply the missing stones. Alban’s shrine was properly restored only 30 years ago. Now we have permission to restore Amphibalus’ shrine, which until recently languished in the North Ambulatory in its semi-ruinous state, and to place it in the Four Tapers chapel, adjacent to the Alban’s shrine.

    The project is being funded as part of the National Heritage Lottery Project ‘Alban, Britain’s first Saint’ due for completion in January 2021.

    Contractor: Skillington Workshop.

Recently Completed Projects:

  • New exhibition area.