Clapham, St James
Kelley Christ of A&RME was appointed as Inspecting Architect to St James in 2012. Clapham St James was designed by N.F. Cachemaille-Day to replace a previous church which had been destroyed during the Second World War. The remarkable interior of St James Church, Park Hill belies the understated character of its external appearance. The furnishings are also designed by the original architect, and the interior is remarkably intact.
The Vicar, Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council of St James Church
2012 - ongoing
Listed Status:
Grade II
Recent projects include:
- Concept proposals for the reordering of the west end of the Nave interior to provide better kitchen and wc facilities.
- Proposals for structural monitoring and repairs to the existing, original asphalt roof coverings to the Nave.
- Repairs to the low level flat roof at the west end of the Church.