Calvary Charismatic Baptist Church, Poplar


A&RME have worked together with Calvary Charismatic Baptist Church since 2014: helping them devise a phased programme of conservation-led repairs which will rehabilitate their iconic building, the former Trinity Methhodist Church by architects Handisyde & Stark, with noted structural engineer Felix Samuelly.

The building has been place on Historic England’s Register of Buildings Risk as of 2006, & has received significant funding from Historic England as well. The first phase of external repairs to recover the nave roof is currently on site with Principal Contractor Bakers of Danbury.

The project is due for completion in May 2017.

The Calvary Charismatic Baptist Church

2013 - ongoing

Listed Status: 
Grade II


The external repairs project include:

  • Removal of dilapidated 'over-roof' structure to the nave and recovering the nave and chancel with a Kemper roofing system.

  • Comprehensive concrete repairs to the structural elements.

  • Reinstatement following cleaning of 36 original domed glass rooflights and replacement of 4 new domes where missing.

  • Repairs to the pre-cast brick-rubble cladding panels to east and west gable walls.

  • Comprehensive repairs and redecoration of the clerestory windows.

  • Redecoration of the internal soffit to the concrete slab (ceiling of the nave and chancel) to re-establish the 1950s decorative scheme.

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